I said in my state of UK blawging post that blog-like functions will increasingly be incorporated into all websites. I should have added that the best way to do this is using blog software rather than your own CMS. Why?
1) Blog software provides you out of the box with all the functionality you need for a latest news/latest articles section of your site, all easily configurable. So there’s little or no IT overhead and a friendly way for the non-IT-literate to post their own content, receive feedback and converse with users.
2) Blog content gets indexed almost immediately by Google and ranks higher than equivalent content authored by other means.
To illustrate these points, look at the website of Martin Kaye Solicitors.
Click the News menu link and you’re taken to … a Blogger blog. It’s integrated into the site simply by editing the Blogger blog template to mirror the site template. (I initially set up Binary Law in this manner, as a blogged news section on infolaw, but later decided I did indeed want a separate blog with its own personality.)
Now do a Google search for the words in the title of the latest post. As I write a Google search for Check the small print puts Martin Kaye at No. 1.
And if you currently have a fairly indifferent, unexciting brochureware site, you can, as mentioned before, effectively use a blog as your primary web presence.