You learn something every day on the web en passant. Well numerous things in fact.
I set out to check out the website revamp at DCMSwho nowglory under the domain name culture.gov.uk.On this voyage I discovered:
1)Firefox resolves URLs in strange ways:
DCMS is now producing RSS feeds of news and FoI requests. Top marks for that. However, they’re erroneosly omitting their domain name from the links, thus:
Instead of
Click the erroneous links in Firefox and you’ll be taken to:
the Canadian Heritage Information Network’s Artists in Canada Page.
Weird and spooky.
2) The Government Art Collection website:
The Government Art Collection (GAC) places works of art in major Government buildings in the UK and around the world to promote British art, culture and history.
Works are displayed in several hundred locations, including Downing Street, ministerial offices and reception areas in Whitehall, Regional Government Offices in the UK, and diplomatic posts in locations as diverse as Paris, Buenos Aires, Washington and Beijing.
Dating from 1898, the GAC now holds approximately 13,000 works of art by British artists in a variety of media, including paintings, sculpture, prints, drawings, photographs, textiles and video works, from the sixteenth century to the present day.