Jordan Furlong bemoans (on Slaw and Law21) the fact that the legal media focus on BigLaw, because BigLaw makes a lot of money, so they’re attractive both as subscribers and as advertising targets. It’s not good for smaller practices, which count the majority of all lawyers among their ranks, that they don’t get to hear […]
“Social business design” is a term you’ve probably not encountered before. I was introduced to it last evening by social computing expert and entrepreneur Lee Bryant at Headshift where I attended an event to explore the themes covered in the report Social Networking for the Legal Profession authored by him with Penny Edwards. I don’t […]
First Published in the Internet Newsletter for Lawyers, July 2009. Facebook has over 200 million users; LinkedIn, the network for business and professionals, has over 40 million; Twitter is all the rage; and don’t forget blogs. Although these services are hugely popular, it’s safe to say that amongst lawyers use is still largely confined to […]
Has what looked like a great service, populated by eager early adopters with like motivations turned into a service polluted by egotists, marketeers and spam artists? Larry Bodine, questioning the value of Twitter as a marketing tool for lawyers, thinks so: I’ve learned that it is a shouting post for relentless self-promoters, a dumping ground […]
Rest in Peace, RSS – flame bait from Steve Gillmor. It’s time to get completely off RSS and switch to Twitter. RSS just doesn’t cut it anymore. The River of News has become the East River of news, which means it’s not worth swimming in if you get my drift. Twitter is a sucker’s game […]
For LexisNexis it’s simple: lawyers want a network developed by legal professionals, for legal professionals, and LexisNexis will provide it. From their recent press release on the launch of Martindale-Hubbell Connected: A survey conducted by Leader Networks in 2008 demonstrated the need for a private, online network for lawyers. According to the survey, while 54 […]
A couple of months back OPSI set up a Twitter account for @legislation, feeding it with the OPSI new legislation feeds. That will reach out to a wider audience than the feeds themselves, but I wonder what that wider audience will make of it. Evidence is as yet scant (samples: “Wow, this is cool – […]
Those like me who are experimenting with Twitter Search should find this post by Steven Feldman of interest. He describes how the hashtag #uksnow evolved from a simple hashtag to one which, with the addition of postcode and snowfall parameters (eg #uksnow SW14 2/10), provided a crowdsourced realtime report of snowfall throughout the UK, which […]
In Twitter, the good the bad and the ugly James Mullan poses some of the questions many have in understanding – and extracting – the value of Twitter. Perhaps I should … lower my expectations of what value I’m actually going to derive from Twitter. It is after all a Social Networking for individuals not […]
Been away on protracted hols. Quite possible to have kept posting of course, but did not have the inclination. Had I done so, here’s a few things I might have posted about: Martindale-Hubbell Connected In July Robert Ambroggi took an exclusive first look. It’s now out in public beta. Will this fly or crash? The […]
It seems that “serious” social networking – LinkedIn in particular – is now being seriously embraced by the legal profession. Whereas Facebook is probably correctly seen primarily as a place to socialise rather than do business and is full of clutter, LinkedIn is a focussed and uncluttered service for the professional/business person – a place […]
Robert Ambrogi has written the first of two articles on social networking for lawyers for’s Legal Technology News. In the first, Social Networking May Pay Off in the End he starts off by saying that “social networking web sites are just glorified directories”. However, he clearly doesn’t believe that – glorified Rolodexes maybe. The […]
Excellent response to my call to arms for blawgers to start tweeting. First up were John Bolch, Nearly Legal, Usefully Employed, LawMinx and Charon QC. So now for my next proposition: pipe us the best feeds in your area of legal interest. Here’s how: Set up a new Twitter account with a meaningful username like […]
Here’s a proposition: all blawgers not yet on Twitter should tweet … starting now. Don’t hang about. Why? Let’s not get hung up analysing the possible benefits. If you’re a blawger, you’re already part-persuaded. Twitter is another communication channel / networking tool that’s worth trying. And the more who try, the quicker we’ll realise the […]
I’d call Twitter instant messaging with legs – the legs being the attractively light-touch networking functions provided by Twitter and fleshed out as you please by third party Twitter applications. As to how lawyers can best take advantage of it, you can do no better than read Steve Matthews’ post on Lawyer Marketing With Twitter […]