First published May 2004 in the Internet Newsletter for Lawyers. If you use the web seriously to keep up to date on a particular topic, you probably visit the news pages of dozens of sites and subscribe to a number of email newsletters – and you never have the time to review all of them […]
The Society for Computers and Law has quietly released a redesigned site, with the full PRrazzmatazz to follow, presumably when members are back fromhols. (I understand this is called a”soft” launch in marketing circles.) I prefer the cleaner, more conventional look and feel of the new site, thoughI have not investigated very far as yet. […]
At long last OPSIis producing RSS feeds of latest legislation. The feeds only include legislation added to the sitein the last 3 days, which is fine if you’re collecting and aggregating the data in your feed reader or otherwise, butnot much useif youare viewing the feed unaggregated.
First published July 2006 in the Internet Newsletter for Lawyers The most helpful expansion of the RSS acronym (there are several) is Remote Site Syndication. In this context, syndication refers to making data feeds available from a website in order to provide others with an updated set of content from it (for example latest news). […]
I have for a long time believed that the web would spell the end of the newsletter. For the printed newsletter the end will be a long time coming. Print will not die anytime soon and the printed newsletter, smart and portable, will continue to be popular until the current generation, weaned on the internet, […]
I’ve recently added a Blogs section to infolaw Lawfinder, cataloguing all UK law and related blogs, plus a few overseas sites of direct relevance. Still no surge of interest in blogging here. Also added is the Feeds section, cataloguing all UK law and related feeds anddisplaying the latest 10 headlines. Many law feeds have come […]
At last. OUT-LAW News which tracks the latest legal stories in IT and e-commerce now offers RSS feeds. You can subscribe to All OUT-LAW News (the 20 most recent stories of the last 7 days) or to any of the following topics: Accessibility, Copyright, Data protection, E-commerce, Employment, Financial services, Freedom of Information, Games, Outsourcing, […]
The UK Centre for Legal Education (UKCLE) is now providing its Legal Education News page via RSS. The page lists news from UKCLE and other websites, as well as snippets of news culled from various sources, including mailing lists, other organisations involved in legal education and the Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN).
You’ll notice in the sidebar is a “Feed” button. This links to a standard format RSS file that allows you to view the latest headlines from the blog in a desktop reader or other web application that supports RSS. There’s an increasing number of other useful feeds you can access, enabling you to review headlines […]