Quite a gaggle of family law blogs now.
Joining the established Family Lore from John Bolch (note the new URL) and DivorceSolicitor from Lynne Bastow, we now have:
Bloody Relations from barrister Jacqui Gilliatt who specialises in family and education law (“Where there’s a relative there’s a bloody good argument to be had.”)
Family Law Matters from Jo Spain, partner at Spain Williams llp, a specialist family law practice, who provides articles, information and news on family law.
The latter is of interest because it’s an example of the blog used as a primary web presence: ie this is the firm’s website, maintained with the blogging service TypePad, with the usual static pages and the Family Law Matters blog as a feature. For a small, niche practice, why have an indifferent, static, custom website, when you can use a blog service to do the job more easily and more effectively?
Our little family is getting larger!
Hi, just thought i’d mention another blog that’s up and running. Judith’s Divorce Blog.
Written by Judith Middleton, a partner at Latimer Hinks of Darlington, the blog “comprises reflections and emotions associated with divorce as perceived by an experienced divorce practitioner but perhaps presented from a slightly different angle”.
Many thanks to Bloody Relations and Family Lore for praising the blog
Hi, this is a great list but I thought I’d mention my blog which was started in late 2010. Found at http://www.kentfamilysolicitor.com this blog offers the latest advice and news in UK family law written by Justin Forster, the Senior Family Solicitor at Kaslers Solicitors LLP
It’s stretching it a bit to call this site a blog.