Nearly Legal points us to Feedity, a terrific widget that generates an RSS feed from any web page:
Feedity has a proprietary data mining algorithm, which has been designed on the principles of self-learning agents. The native parser performs low-level content analysis, and it picks-up the most “prominent cluster” of hyperlinks. The renderer engine then automatically generates an RSS web
feed for the source web page.
In other words, Feedity analyses the page and picks up the most prominent list of links (whether a list or a series of table rows or paragraphs) and renders these as an RSS feed on the fly. All you have to do is pop a URL in the box at Feedity, or just append one to the Feedity URL in the form:
Although it works on any web page, you only get a feed-like result where the page is a classic what’s new or latest articles type page (ie latest-first list of linked items). Sometimes the prominent menu lists etc get in the way, depending on the design of the page.
For example, you can generate a useful feed for SCL: articles (rather than use the composite feed SCL offer) but you don’t get much of a result from News from the Law Society. There is a refine feature but I haven’t had much success with that yet.
Give it a whirl.