By far the best advice I have seen recently on SEO for law firms (well for anyone really) comes from North American legal web gurus Steve Matthews of Stem Legal and Robert Ambrogi in their article Optimizing Your Online Shingle: On-Page and Off-Page Best Practices published in the ABA’s Law Practice Magazine last summer.
The pretty PDF version is also on JD Supra.
Their conclusion:
In the end, what you most need to remember about optimizing your firm’s website is that—above all else—you need to provide quality content in a simple, user-friendly design. If your site is well written and effectively communicates who you are and what your practice is about, the search engines will find you. So don’t get hung up on SEO technicalities. Focus on communication.
I couldn’t have said that better myself.
PS. Law Practice’s January/February issue is a bumper Social Media Issue which is well worth a read.
Image: Shingle siding by reallyboring
Or as I overheard on public transport the other day, “the google will always find you”! :-)
They usually say, “Build it and they will come”
Sadly its not the case for websites. Optimizing your website is not any more or less important than providing decent fresh content to your visitors.
Social networks are increasingly used to build micro communities to surround websites. You see +1 Fb, Like buttons everywhere at the moment.