Thanks to Jennie Law for pointing out that the new UKSC needs to get its publishing act together.
It’s been in existence for almost four weeks now and has the most advanced court technology in the world. It delivered its first judgment on 14 October, yet no cases yet appear in the Decided Cases section. As Jenny discovers, you can currently find these only under News and Publications by clicking, under Judgements, the Read the full story (sic) link.
And not a nice orange RSS button in sight.
Just goes to show that the best technology in the world is no magic web delivery bullet. A modicum of thought for the end user is required.
I wholeheartedly agree. We were frantically trying to report the first judgment on the day, having received a transcript by the usual mysterious routes but couldn’t find anything at all on the Supreme Court site to link to. Thankfully Bailii came up with the goods quickly.
Who would have thought to look there rather than under ‘decided cases’? Not me, for one.
As an added bonus, they do now have 2 cases from the 29th October on the Decided Cases page…but not the original one from the 14th October, that’s still only accessible via the News area!