RSS Cruiser is a legal info buff who currently spends some time on the web looking for law-related RSS feeds, encountering instead (blogs apart) classic Web 1.0 pages that are little use to man or beast in this gimme-what-I-want-now age. These Web 1.0 pages are known as “false documents” in that they look pretty and give him the information he wants but are of little value in the grand Web 2.0 scheme of things. He still awaits rescue with his like-minded castaways.
What RC is after on these pages (since you ask) is little orange icons that look like this.
Turning specifically to law publishers’ new publication feeds (a particular bugbear of his – and he’s not alone) , sadly in a recent trawl he had 100% no shows. (But do note that a number of publishers provide feeds for their journals.)
So, to lighten up his day, he went where he knew he’d find thousands of the little gems – he did a search on Google images for RSS icon. Here’s some of the more interesting variations he found: