I came across the following hilarious garbage, scraped from Kevin O’Keefe’s post about my FamilyLawPipe and translated into … what?
Family accumulation pipes?
Nick Holmes, a business consultant specializing in the UK jural sector, has created a FamilyLawPipe aggregating UK kinsfolk accumulation feeds with character Pipes. From Nick:
—Yahoo Pipes is a assist from character which enables you to verify inputs from RSS feeds and another XML etc files, cook them (eg sort, filter, short etc) and then production the termination as an RSS verify or another info – every using a elegant inspire and modify interface.
So, in this case, the FamilyLawPipe takes 13 kinsfolk accumulation journal feeds, sorts their entries by fellow and outputs the stylish 50 to a azygos feed.
After primeval fanfare, YahooPipes hasn’t condemned soured same folks intellection it would. But what Nick’s ended is a pleasant intent and something lawyers here in the States ought to garner up on. Being a mini ticker-tape on a status person via feeds is not exclusive a pleasant inventiveness for others, but lets others undergo of your skillfulness and dedication by morality of you mass the subject.
Other journal posts on this story
- Yahoo Pipes and RSS mixing from Steve Matthews
- Feed Pipe from Evangelist Bolch!
Update: Sadly the original splog post has disappeared.
As you say, hilarious! I have been called many things, but ‘evangelist’ is about as inappropriate as you can get!