No, it’s a new, lookalike IP blawg. [Update: No longer a lookalike as Binary Law is using a new theme.]
Legal Week now has a trio of blogs with the addition of Legal Village. This is a collection of short articles by high-profile names. Active contributors thus far, with one post each, are: Bill Knight, Master of the City Solicitors’ Livery Company; Charles Martin, Head of Macfarlanes; Fiona Woolf, President of the Law Society of […]
I’m well aware that my post titles suck for search engine optimisation (SEO) purposes. For those unfamiliar with that black art, consider just that I could have entitled this post “Writing headlines for the search engines”. Boring or what? As the linked NY Times article says: “There are no algorithms for wit, irony, humor or […]
Comment on the Government’s proposals to close 550 plus government websites has provoked a range of comment from “about time too” to “a bit of a sick joke“, with numerous geeks chipping in that this is all unnecessary because [Web 2.0 reason here]. One needs to dig a little deeper than the government press release […]
I’m not one to stray off topic, but can’t help admiring the skill of Shilpa Shetty who is favourite to win Celebrity Big Brother. Irritating as she is, she deftly exposes the lesser celebrities, with a few notable exceptions, as shallow and gullible (racism and bigotry aside). The smart prize also has to go to […]
Courtesy of Technorati, the oldest accessible post I can find containing “5 Things You Didn’t Know About Me” is this on 28 April 2006 by one who claims to be starting the chain. In the last 30 days posts peaked in the period 19-24 December, no doubt fueled by alcohol.
In its Progress report on Transformational Government Strategy just published, the Cabinet Office reports that the government will close at least 550 government websites, with only 26 certain to be retained (presumably the Departmental websites plus DirectGov and Business Link to which information from the closed websites is to be transferred). The move is sold […]
Primary Research Group has published a Survey of [US] Law Firm E-marketing Practices ($295). The following is from Larry Bodine’s helpful summary. Data in the report is based on a survey of 46 (mostly major) law firms. I’m guessing there must be some 100,000 US law firms, so this is a tiny sample and cannot […]
I’ve been tagged by Charon QC and must tell you 5 things you didn’t know about me (with bonus trivia added): 1. Although I was born in Twickenham, I spent my formative years in apartheid-era South Africa. Despite having returned 30 years ago, my vowels are still flat and people still ask me where I’m […]
In a quest for more law-related RSS feeds I find that RICS now provides more than 750. That’s one for every category (eg Property), sub-category (eg Landlord and Tenant) and sub-sub category in its CMS. I’ve pointed out before that if you use a CMS to generate What’s New html pages you can, with a […]
The DCA has clarified its licensing terms for the SLD, confirming that it is indeed free for all as published. Its Copyright Notice has been amended and the SLD has been removed from the OPSI examples of Value Added Material. As well as being free “for non-commercial research, private study or internal circulation within your […]
In response to the suggestion that the the number of abandoned blogs one comes across these days signals that “the (law) blogging phenomenon may have peaked“, Kevin O’Keefe is right on when he says that “Nothing could be further from the truth. Law blogs are in their infancy.” Other business-minded bloggers agree: Justin Patten believes […]
First published January 2007 in the Internet Newsletter for Lawyers. Here are some of the key developments in the field of (free) legal information provision in 2006 and some predictions for 2007. The Statute Law Database After a 10-year wait, the Statute Law Database was finally released to the public just in time for Christmas. […]
Apologies for intermittent downtime recently, which has been caused by zillions of spam comments clogging up the works. Update: I’ve now implemented a captcha that requires commenters to enter a random word displayed as a graphic.