Month: October 2007

Oh dear!

Ed at Blawg Review has pulled me up for supplying only 6 best blawgs: There is no rule that you are not to include a blog already named by another. In fact, it’s encouraged, as those most deserving of the acknowledgment will be given it from many other top bloggers who have been nominated. So, […]

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Changing themes

As is apparent, I’ve implemented a new theme for this blog – Blue Zinfandel, a widget-ready theme from Brian Gardner. I’ll be playing with widgets and customising it over the next couple of weeks, so apologies in advance if you lose your way. Many thanks to Ulf Pettersen whose Modern theme has served me well […]

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Have news? – blog it!

I said in my state of UK blawging post that blog-like functions will increasingly be incorporated into all websites. I should have added that the best way to do this is using blog software rather than your own CMS. Why? 1) Blog software provides you out of the box with all the functionality you need […]

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Simply the best

I have been tagged by Charon QC to name 10 blawgs I consider the best, continuing the meme started by the editor of Blawg Review. As most involved have said, this is difficult. There are several blogs I do not follow closely, being outside my main sphere of interest, but which I recognise as top […]

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UK blawgs – where are we now?

Although a handful of UK law bloggers were active before 2006, it was only then that the UK blawgosphere started to take off. Since then, new law blogs have continued to appear at the rate of about one a week. On infolaw I catalogue all known UK law blogs (plus a small number of notable […]

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Effective blogging (for lawyers)

Adapted from an earlier article and published September 2007 in the Axxia Newsletter. In the last issue we looked at reasons why lawyers should blog. Here we consider the “how to” of effective blogging. Blogging services provide the forms and templates that enable you to publish a blog site with little or no expertise: you […]

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