Ed at Blawg Review has pulled me up for supplying only 6 best blawgs:
There is no rule that you are not to include a blog already named by another. In fact, it’s encouraged, as those most deserving of the acknowledgment will be given it from many other top bloggers who have been nominated. So, this meme should not run out of steam, unless individuals are misinformed about the rules as they pass it on to those they include in their lists. Please add another 4 to your list, by including those you would have liked to include but for being misguided about that “rule” which is not a rule, at all.
To which I have replied:
Yes I know that’s not a rule. There are no rules! I was just trying to figure the most constructive list I could give. I’ll give further thought to adding some more!
So, to comply with Ed’s “rule” that there should be 10, here are four more (in addition to maestro Charon QC himself, of course):
- Family Lore
- Geeklawyer
- Nearly Legal
- Corporate Blawg UK (can anyone – himself included – tell me why he last posted as long ago as 8 July?)
Yes, what has happened to Corporate Blawg? Paging Corporate Blawg…
Thanks for the mention. My version is now up.
I like the calendat icons in this theme. I might have to have a fiddle with mine…
“The golden rule is that there are no golden rules.”
George Bernard Charon
Excellent… I’m now off to re-read Concept of Law by HLA Hart in case I missed something. Must take a postivist attitude.
On the other hand… I could have misread the post as ‘Rawls’
But…whenever I think of rules, or come to that, Rawls, … I just can’t help recalling the libertarian beliefs of… Bentham
Tyranny and anarchy are never far apart.
And now… I’ll definitely get my coat
Buona notte
Thanks also from me for the mention. BTW, love the new template – may inspire me to get around to changing mine, as I’ve been considering for a while, or possibly even migrating to WordPress or Typepad (but worried about losing content!).