Month: July 2007

Joining the conversation

First Published July 2007 in the Axxia Newsletter. Few readers can be oblivious to the buzz surrounding “social media” (aka Web 2.0) that has grown in recent years. The term encompasses an increasing range of services that enable people to share, contribute and collaborate on the web, transforming it from a publishing platform and glorified […]

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Branching out

Steve Matthews – the Vancouver Law Librarian blogger – has set up a new business called Stem Legal to help law firms build their web profiles. On the site he’ll be blogging on Law Firm Web Strategy. Good luck to Steve.

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Binary Law lives

Back from hols. I did intend to post a couple of times whilst away, but in the end holiday is holiday and I failed to summon up any enthusiasm.

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My linked face

There’s an awful lot in the press and the blogosphere about social networking these days. In particular about who will win out between MySpace and Facebook and the differences between them. Danah Boyd, a researcher at the University of California and internet sociologist, goes a bit overboard in her reasearch findings, declaring that: The goodie […]

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