My muse being dormant, I fall back on the blogger’s stand-by, the meta-post:
Following cyber-stalking and death threats directed at A-list blogger Kathy Sierra, A-list blogger Tim O’Reilly and Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales came up with a proposed Blogger’s Code of Conduct. What a dumb idea. Whilst I would deplore abusive and threatening behaviour and think it should be taken seriously, don’t you think A-list bloggers, having created their own problem, should deal with it quietly and leave the rest of us to get on with our lives?
Nearly Legal has finally landed that elusive training contract. About bloody time.
Kevin O’Keefe, always keen to extol the benefits of blogging, reports on one lawyer blogger’s success:
[Through my blog] I have received 18 new client inquiries over the last 12 work days. … It has been absolutely incredible.
Steven Matthews at Slaw ponders whether the written web is better than audio and video.
Is this a case of the entertainment value of audio and video vs. the exchange of ideas within the textual web? or are we simply adding another layer? Will thinking professionals like lawyers market themselves by sticking to their strengths with the written word, or become ‘rock stars’ and attempt to market to the masses?
Thanks Nick. I did feel it was a little overdue myself… A lot happier now.
I heartily agree on the ‘code of conduct’. It strikes me as a very nasty family squabble elevated to the importance of the cold war.