In a quest for more law-related RSS feeds I find that RICS now provides more than 750. That’s one for every category (eg Property), sub-category (eg Landlord and Tenant) and sub-sub category in its CMS.
I’ve pointed out before that if you use a CMS to generate What’s New html pages you can, with a straightforward one-off development, repurpose these as equivalent RSS feeds. RICS has done this in spades. But, while I applaud them for doing so, I do think that the sub-sub-category feeds will be of limited use and are perhaps an unnecessary distraction. It is likely that most users will be interested in the wider sub-category feeds and that these will provide the optimum level of alerting.
Another quibble I have is that RICS use the orange RSS button to point to the feeds. Get with it chaps! The nice folks at Mozilla (Firefox) agreed with Microsoft (IE7) that Mozilla’s live bookmark icon (pictured) would be the common standard.