Progress is a new industry update on Home Information Packs (HIPs) produced by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, for organisations and individuals across the property industry who are involved in the implementation of the Home Information Pack Programme.
The ODPM’s HIP pages provide an overview of the HIP, information on Home Inspectors and Home Condition Reports and the full range of research, consultations and other reports published on HIPs.
Other independent sources of information on HIPs are:
- The Property Section HIP Portal which aims to be a hub for practitioners wanting to find up-to-date information about HIPs
- The Home Information Pack Action Group whose main purpose is to obtain, for high street solicitors and independent estate agents, a high degree of control over the domestic conveyancing market and thereby help secure their futures.
HIPs, in theory, should actually help the market however it seems to me that there’s so many people against them, why is that?