A Page on the Web, published in the Solicitors Journal, October 2001
Circa the year 2000 (or Y2K as we then knew it) the web was all about advertising. Here’s the way it turned out for some. Scenario 1: Have an idea; do persuasive business plan; raise £millions from easy-to-persuade venture capitalists and public; spend £millions on national advertising campaign; wait for sales; hope for break-even; go bust. Scenario 2: Have an idea; do business plan on back of fag packet; raise modest sum from family or friends; set up in back room; offer lots of free content; get lots of hits (eyeballs); sell some advertising; give lots of advertising space away; put up own ads; eyeballs turn out to be blind to web ads; give back room back to the kids and go back to day job.
Anchors are the most ubiquitous code on the web, being the ends of web links. What separates the web from most other markup languages is its features for hypertext and interactive documents. Although a simple concept, the link has been one of the primary forces driving the success of the web. A link starts at the ‘source’ anchor and points to the ‘destination’ anchor, which may be any web resource (eg an HTML document, an element within an HTML document, an image, a video clip, a program, etc.)
Arbitration resources
Atkinson Law (www.atkinson-law.com) contains legal information on construction, commerce and disputes resolution. Allows easy access to law and an introduction to common contract and legal problems in commerce, construction, standard forms of contract, arbitration, adjudication, mediation and conciliation and other forms of ADR.
The Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (www.cedr.co.uk/) is an independent non-profit organisation supported by multinational business and leading professional bodies. CEDR’s mission is to encourage and develop mediation and other cost-effective dispute resolution and prevention techniques in commercial and public-sector disputes.
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (www.arbitrators.org/) is the professional body whose object is to promote and facilitate the determination of disputes by ADR.
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Scottish Branch (www.scottish-arbitrators.org) aims to promote the use of arbitration in Scotland as a means of dispute resolution, both domestically and internationally. Access to the Scottish Arbitration Code.
The ICC International Court of Arbitration (www.iccwbo.org/index_court.asp) is the world’s foremost institution in the resolution of international business disputes. Composed of members from some 60 countries and every continent, the ICC Court is the world’s most widely representative dispute resolution institution.
Linklaters’ Dispute Toolkit (www.linklaters.com/disputetoolkit/) provides precedents with explanatory texts for: arbitration clauses, jurisdiction clauses, ADR clauses, boilerplate clauses dealing with governing law, sovereign immunity and service of process with explanatory text; links to more than 100 dispute related websites
The London Court of International Arbitration (www.lcia-arbitration.com) provides a comprehensive international dispute resolution service, both under its own Rules and under the UNCITRAL Rules, for operation under any system of law in any venue throughout the world.
Lovells’ Arbitration (www.lovells.com/Arbitration/SilverStream/Pages/pgHome.html) provides guidance and information on drafting arbitration agreements for inclusion in international commercial contracts; texts of arbitration laws (with summaries) and procedural rules; and a drafting engine, which may be used to prepare an arbitration agreement.
Masons’ Adjudication Service (www.masons.com/php/page.php3?page_id=8479) includes case summaries and links to full text, articles and frequently asked questions.
Arbitration and mediation services
adjudication.co.uk (www.adjudication.co.uk) is a recognised adjudicator nominating body and the leading provider of adjudication services and information.
ADR Chambers (UK) Ltd (www.adrchambers.co.uk/) is an umbrella group consisting of retired Law Lords, Lords Justices, High Court Judges, Circuit Court Judges and other retired judges, as well as retired and practising barristers and solicitors who are trained and dedicated to helping parties resolve disputes in an expeditious and cost-effective manner.
ADR Group (www.adrgroup.co.uk) is a specialist mediation provider, arranging mediations in disputes relating to banking/financial services, insurance, construction, probate, computer law, contract disputes, medical negligence, personal injury, professional negligence, and all other commercial disputes.
Arbitration a Commercial Initiative (ACI) (www.aci-arb.com) are dedicated arbitrators within the broad field of contractual and commercial law.
Consensus Mediation (www.consensus.uk.com/) is a commercial mediation practice – solicitor mediators; includes checklist, tips and FAQs.
Construction Contracts Mediators’ Group (CCMG) (www.ccmg.co.uk) provides access to a group of mediators who specialise in construction contract disputes.
Consensus Mediation.com (www.consensus.uk.com/) was the UK’s first online dispute resolution service.
Global Mediation Ltd (www.globalmediation.co.uk) are mediators for commercial, financial services, employment, education, healthcare and professional negligence disputes.
In Place of Strife (www.mediate.co.uk) is a commercial mediation service provider.
Independent Mediation for Clinical Disputes (www.imcd.co.uk) is a specialist mediation, conciliation and arbitration service provider for clinical negligence and personal injury disputes.
David I Shapiro (www.mediatewithshapiro.com) is an arbitrator in commercial disputes. Consultant, Solicitor Advocate, accredited as a mediator by CEDR, honorary member of the ADR Group, founder-member of The Panel of Independent Mediators, member of the Panel of Distinguished Mediators, CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution (New York), Fellow of the International Academy of Mediators and member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
Nationwide Mediation (www.mediationuk.com) are specialists in resolving financial disputes in the fields of matrimonial, employment, professional partnership, corporate, professional negligence, medical negligence.
Peter Aeberli (www.aeberli.co.uk) is a practising barrister, arbitrator, mediator and adjudicator, specialising in construction law.
Syndicus (www.syndicus.co.uk) are consultants and practitioners in complaints handling, dispute resolution and training.
The Association of Northern Mediators (www.northernmediators.co.uk) are civil and commercial mediators in the North of England.
The Centre for Business Arbitration (www.arbitration.lincolns-inn.com) is a panel of arbitrators in business, property and commercial matters.
Work it Out (www.workitout.co.uk/) are mediators for personal injury and clinical negligence disputes.