I’m wondering who’s using ICLR online and how they’re getting on? The service launched 18 October to a list of over 350 delegates that was “fairly select and exclusive due to the nature of our Council”.
Before the event no doubt there was lots of direct mail and email promotion by ICLR to its customer list and I understand there were posters up in Chancery Lane and Temple tube stations for the benefit of the legal Londoners who toil there, but I struggled to find any pre-launch promotion online. I missed the “announcement” on the ICLR blog as it was somewhat indirect – a link buried in a post titled BabyBarista – Dress Down Friday. Indeed BabyBarista is fronting their online marketing campaign with a series of sponsored posts. Apparently the Grauniad had “roadblock banner adverts” up, whatever those are (they sound dangerous), but I missed them too.
In fact the pre-launch online announcement I first came across was on InPublishing, relating to Catalysts who developed the service using the NXT4 platform.
I’m curious also why there has been almost zero feedback online since about the service – particularly as anyone can sign up for a free trial. I did and was quite impressed, but I’m not a real user able to evaluate it meaningfully. Surely this is a groundbreaking alternative to the expensive Wexis services for the individual barristers and small chambers?
Props to Ruth Bird on Slaw for being the first to say something about it.
I’d like to hear from those using it – on a trial basis or in earnest. Don’t be shy.
Over 500 customer trials are currently in full swing…..so the marketing campaign was not so secret squirrel!