Nearly Legal has a thing for Sally Field naked: she boosts his Google juice.
His recent rise in the rankings for the said search term was helped by the fact that on Tuesday Sally won the Best Lead Actress Emmy for her role in Brothers and Sisters where all those leading TV actors you’ve seen over the last ten years or more pretend now to be related. Not only this, but her acceptance speech was censored by Fox who removed the concluding observation that “if the mothers ruled the world, there would be no goddam wars in the first place”.
In the UK legal domain, you’re unlikely to generate any serious traffic if you stick to your subject. But stray into the popular realm by design or accident and you can see why there are so many sploggers and AdSense farmers out there. My own rather modest success in this domain was when I posted about new gambling and sports law blogs from Cecile Park Publishing. Almost instantly my Technorati rankings rocketed as some splogger referenced the post in more than 20 blogs.But, like crack, or any drug, the high is temporary, and you’re in for a downer when those links drop off the radar and you are restored to normality. And if you’re not after the AdSense bucks you’ve achieved nothing other than an entertaining diversion from your daily grind. But that’s enough reward sometimes.
Good post, Nick. I’m interested to know how you would define, “serious traffic” – how many thousands of visits per month would be needed to come within that term?
I would have thought serious traffic was thousands a day.
I usually get about 1000 to 1200 unique visitors a week on Nearly Legal, not including feed readers (or Sally Field related spikes in traffic) and I would class that as limited specialist traffic. Of course, I like to think that the visitors are individually more serious…
I was thinking in terms of hundreds of thousands of page views p.m. You can of course count yourself as successful in a small domain such as UK legal with far less.